Language Development Articles

Why Read To Your Child?

The most important gift you can give a young child is an expansive vocabulary. Within the joint statement of the International Reading Association and the National Association for the Education of Young Children is the assertion that, “the single most important...

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To develop children’s expressive and receptive language it is essential that they are read to on a regular basis. Ideally, they should not only be read to, but also actively engaged in discussions about the...

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Intervention to Develop Grammar in School-Age Children

School-aged children who are experiencing difficulties in school with expressive and receptive language benefit immensely with intervention targeting grammar. To make substantial change and progress in their language intensive intervention is necessary. Children who...

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Bilingual Children and Language Development

Do bilingual children develop their language slower than monolingual children? Bilingualism is defined as the ability to learn and use two languages in everyday living. Children who are bilingual, in general, are under referred to Speech Pathologists due to general...

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Developing Language in Toddlers

3 Natural Environments to Help Develop a Toddler's Language. Children will learn language naturally and easily when the words an adult use are used in context and when the child is actually carrying out the action. 1. The PlaygroundThe language that can be provided in...

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10 Tips of How Parents Can Encourage Their Child to Speak

Talk to your child about what you are doing (e.g. I need to put the cups in here”). Use hand gestures, point to objects and use varied intonation as you say the associated words. You can do this with your child’s body parts (eg “You have a fly on your arm, let me shoo...

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How well is your child speaking?

Many parents phone asking about their toddlers’ speech and language, and whether their language development is age appropriate. Spending just 20 minutes a day 1:1 with your child in play can have a dramatic effect on your child’s language. 6 tips in how a parent can...

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The Importance of Reading books to Children

1. Improve their language skills.2. Enhance ability to concentrate on a set task for a set period of time.3. Develop their imagination.4. Develop their vocabulary and be able to link ideas.5. Develop their comprehension skills.6. Develop their cognitive skills.7....

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Language Development

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