What Books Are Suitable For My Child Who Has Dyslexia?
At Perth Speech Therapy we know the importance of providing children with the correct decodable reader. The books children read should be matched to their phonic knowledge, not be given books that are a challenge otherwise they will become despondent, lack confidence...
Activities to Help Stimulate Young Children’s Speech and Language
11 Tips in How to Help You Stimulate Your Young Child’s Speech and Language From the time a child is born it is imperative that the child is engulfed with sound (voices, songs, change in pitch). The child is learning to tune into their native language; parent’s voice;...
Developing Language in Toddlers
3 Natural Environments to Help Develop a Toddler's Language. Children will learn language naturally and easily when the words an adult use are used in context and when the child is actually carrying out the action. 1. The PlaygroundThe language that can be provided in...
Recommended Books for Children with Dyslexia
Parents need to be aware that many schools still give ‘whole language’ readers to children in pre-Primary to Year 2. Children with dyslexia cannot read the contents of these books as the readers are not at their phonic knowledge. They have words in them that CANNOT be...
A Phonics Approach is Proven to be the Best Approach for Teaching Children with Dyslexia to Spell
Victoria is embracing PHONICS. They are seeing GREAT changes in the children’s spelling. They DO NOT want to leave any child behind! LET’S MAKE A CHANGE W.A. in the way we deliver phonics. At Perth Speech Therapy we have been paving the way in delivering high-quality...
10 Tips of How Parents Can Encourage Their Child to Speak
Talk to your child about what you are doing (e.g. I need to put the cups in here”). Use hand gestures, point to objects and use varied intonation as you say the associated words. You can do this with your child’s body parts (eg “You have a fly on your arm, let me shoo...
How well is your child speaking?
Many parents phone asking about their toddlers’ speech and language, and whether their language development is age appropriate. Spending just 20 minutes a day 1:1 with your child in play can have a dramatic effect on your child’s language. 6 tips in how a parent can...
The Importance of Reading books to Children
1. Improve their language skills.2. Enhance ability to concentrate on a set task for a set period of time.3. Develop their imagination.4. Develop their vocabulary and be able to link ideas.5. Develop their comprehension skills.6. Develop their cognitive skills.7....
The Importance of Pretend Play in a Young Child’s Life
Play is an integral part of a child’s life. A child begins to learn that when an object is picked up, the object has a name and often a sound / movement / action attached to it. For example, ‘a lion’ can roar and stomp around. Children learn about: 1. The world /...
Literacy and language in the Early Years.
Language and literacy develop co-currently. As soon as a baby is born it is met with sound. There are then crucial times in a child’s early years for when language develops: • At 6 months a child’s brain is ‘open’ to receive babble (their native language)• At 12...
Language Development
Speech Sounds
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Perth Speech Therapy has an Alfred Cove clinic. This clinic also provides mobile services to schools, day care centres and homes.
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Clinic Location: Alfred Cove